Anyways, the title is referring to being finished my second book of the year... so, so far my goal for reading 17 books maybe going according to plan... well, actually it would be if I were to read 12 books, but I think I will be able to read another 5... actually, just started reading Pretty Little Liars before even being finished Sloppy Firsts.
I'm intrigued by Pretty Little Liars TV programme. Watched the second episode of the first season today. Really good, has the element of intrigue as I read on Lights MB... it has amped me up for what's coming up... so I'm thinking possibly Pretty Little Liars is going to be my third book, although I have another four books that I borrowed from the library to read before this time next month....
And, just to say something about the book I just finished reading before moving on. I liked it! By the end anyway. I didn't really like it at the beginning, and was actually going to just read the first and not the rest, but now that I've finished reading it, I want to know what happens next! Left at a cliffhanger! So, yes will definitely be reading the rest. I also love the Marcus Flutie. He's so awesome and so awww-worthy at times!~
While also updating my books challenge thing, might do a little update about my 2011 movies challenge... unfortunately that's not going as swimmingly... I think I should be up to 24 movies by now... but not. Although I have seen a few movies since then, 2 last week in fact! I enjoyed one and throughly hated the latter! I think I was going to update about that movie [Due Date, btw] but, didn't for some reason but yeah. Awful and annoying movie! Hated it, all throughout pretty much!! DX I liked Unstoppable though!
And now, time for some photos for some light relief! Made/melted chocolate and poured them into moulds for Valentine's Day for boyfriend! I do admit it was a very last minute idea, but great nonetheless! ^^ Also, celebrated our two-year anniversary last week too! =) Actually, nearly forgot what we did, lol but I think it was just a nice homecooked meal since he didn't want to go out due to crowds..

Also, was very due for a blog post! Also been thinking about reviewing goals monthly and maybe even making monthly goals.... to make it even more specific and cos you'll probably forget if it's just yearly goals.. also [my third also] can't wait for the next month to begin, even though I did want to do it this month starting last week but... forgot and stuff. Can't wait for next month so can do my first 30 for 30 Challenge! Maybe even 31 for 30... since there's 31 days in March. Think will take photos of the 30 items so I have a visual and cos then it'll be somewhat easy to document too :)
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