Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Who has a LJ? Comment leaving your LJ name and I'll add you... if you would like to follow me and my random ramblings and stuff.... so yeah, or alternatively, can email me at sweet.kawaii[at]gmail[dot]com if you want to keep in touch... I suck at keeping things... and it's actually been a year!



  1. Ooh I have a lj. :D I'm not sure if I have you as a friend yet or not but it's OhKristin

    xD It that where you're going to be blogging from now on?

  2. i have an LJ but i never use it
    blogggg :D

  3. I think I have/had two LJs. I never use them... I think I don't even know my username anymore. Oh well.

  4. I have a LJ but I don't often use it or get on it. I just use my site. It's been hard to even get online the past few weeks, but now I'm making much more of a conscious effort. I even got up early today so I could come on for a bit before work. :D
