I watched a few movies tonight and a couple of days ago that I won't add to my 211 list for 2011, even though it would be very helpful but won't because I don't remember if I began watching it this year or not.
Wilby Wonderful [2004]: Quite a glum and dark movie like Never Let Me Go but with a cast not so well known besides Ellen Page (that's known to me). I thought her acting was mediocre. The beginning of the movie was quite in the dark and you didn't really know what was happening until the end. At least for me anyway. I thought it moved slowly and maybe inadvertently kept you guessing...
Enchanted [2007]: Okay movie. Another title and pretty much summary of the movie would be 'A journey through Disney with Key Pointers' such as Cinderella's shoe and Sleeping Beauty's kiss. Oh, and can't forget Snow White. But in a modern setting, New York in the 2000's. It's a cute fluffy movie with a few references to classic Disney titles and the concept of happily ever after's, hope and nothing is impossible. A nice movie with obviously predictability.
The Invention of Lying [2009]: Another aptly title would be "Where All The Things We Know Come From". Pretty much tells the story of how everything came to be and obviously the introduction of lies. Pretty basic formula and oh, the realizing and meaning of something true, looking past appearances.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Nearly The End

So some of you might know that over on
For the past year I have struggled to complete a challange (ala Project 365) but I have finally, nearly done so! :D Quite happy and chuffed at myself for that =] I still want to complete a Project 365! So that is one thing off my list. Still got the book challenge and movies to go. Is 211 movies possible in one year? :\
What challenges/goals have you set yourself and completed?
That feeling of completion is amazing.... and I kind of inadvertently referred to Never Let Me Go.... I think I've seen that movie too many times.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
IMDB Top 100 Movie List
(Or aka. More Moives To Watch List for My 211 Movies in 2011....)
Well. So far in my 22 years of existence, I have seen only 12% of this list. A little bit disappointing? I'm not sure of the word I'm after but, wow. I feel I want to watch them all again and get a fresh perspective.
To note, I have watched Inception about 3 times; enjoyed Leon: The Professional, it was a different movie to what I would usually watch; also enjoyed and liked The Departed (want it on DVD) and Spirited Away (own it on DVD~ =)), Inglorious Basterds was extremely graphic and although I must admit was an above average movie and despite the graphicness, I liked it. And, the rest are just mediocre and not worth mentioning.
This was taken from Cafe Chick at Tales from a Cafe Chick, who lives in New Zealand! I love finding New Zealand bloggers! ^^ Top 100 under the cut.
14.11.11 - Haha, I've only watch 10% of these movies! 10/100! o_o better get moving on that list!! Could definitely make a dent in my 211 movies!
Well. So far in my 22 years of existence, I have seen only 12% of this list. A little bit disappointing? I'm not sure of the word I'm after but, wow. I feel I want to watch them all again and get a fresh perspective.
To note, I have watched Inception about 3 times; enjoyed Leon: The Professional, it was a different movie to what I would usually watch; also enjoyed and liked The Departed (want it on DVD) and Spirited Away (own it on DVD~ =)), Inglorious Basterds was extremely graphic and although I must admit was an above average movie and despite the graphicness, I liked it. And, the rest are just mediocre and not worth mentioning.
This was taken from Cafe Chick at Tales from a Cafe Chick, who lives in New Zealand! I love finding New Zealand bloggers! ^^ Top 100 under the cut.
14.11.11 - Haha, I've only watch 10% of these movies! 10/100! o_o better get moving on that list!! Could definitely make a dent in my 211 movies!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
If I Were You
A little update... stopped doing the Project365... I think I forgot a day and then just canned it... I really do want to complete and partake in one... soo maybe next month. Sigh.
My 30 for 30 was going well until... Friday I think. I have no idea what I did on Friday other than work and going back to Bf's after going back to the supermarket a second time cos I forgot to do something... u_u need to figure it out..
I've also given up (kinda, for the moment) on job searching... I know it's only early and I'm probably complaining about nothing but I think I need to upskill. I thought I was quite experienced in admin/office but well, maybe I'm aiming too high. I dunno, I just haven't looked at jobs on Seek or Trademe for a while. I have sent in a query about volunteering/being a Guide leader since I think (and hope) it could give me some experience in event/activity planning and also because I've personally participated in Guides myself.. I know I shouldn't give up from the rejections but, well I think I've taken a small break.
I want to get away for a bit and take a breather... but I have no money so maybe just take a break from furiously applying for jobs. I think I need to make a plan and start emailing companies. I'm also quite tempted to take a course in journalism or something. Something like marketing or PR.... there seems to be a lot of jobs going for graduates in these courses... I picked the wrong major(s).
Ok, that's enough ranting and updating.... until next time... hopefully it'll be less rant-y and sad.
My 30 for 30 was going well until... Friday I think. I have no idea what I did on Friday other than work and going back to Bf's after going back to the supermarket a second time cos I forgot to do something... u_u need to figure it out..
I've also given up (kinda, for the moment) on job searching... I know it's only early and I'm probably complaining about nothing but I think I need to upskill. I thought I was quite experienced in admin/office but well, maybe I'm aiming too high. I dunno, I just haven't looked at jobs on Seek or Trademe for a while. I have sent in a query about volunteering/being a Guide leader since I think (and hope) it could give me some experience in event/activity planning and also because I've personally participated in Guides myself.. I know I shouldn't give up from the rejections but, well I think I've taken a small break.
I want to get away for a bit and take a breather... but I have no money so maybe just take a break from furiously applying for jobs. I think I need to make a plan and start emailing companies. I'm also quite tempted to take a course in journalism or something. Something like marketing or PR.... there seems to be a lot of jobs going for graduates in these courses... I picked the wrong major(s).
Ok, that's enough ranting and updating.... until next time... hopefully it'll be less rant-y and sad.
Monday, April 11, 2011
There Are Just Some Things....
That probably isn't worth it.
Edit: I think I was too hasty. I got a call from the company and it's all sorted. Maybe I should have replied back. Live and learn.
Like this one mystery shop that I did on the weekend in which the targeted salesperson I was supposed to complete my mystery shop on but she left the store a couple of minutes after I entered the store... I emailed the person in charge at 12.55 pm and got a reply then realized that I made a mistake in the email I sent her saying that I entered the store at 12.58pm... which would have been impossible unless I went into the store after sent the email... she didn't pick up on this. I did only after re-reading the email and realizing my mistake. But then, I was composing a reply but then realized, what would be the point? What would I get out of this? It's not like I would be paid anyway since she left the store... so I guess live and learn. Better preparation next time. Just wanted to get this out instead of leaving inside.
Hopefully later today April goals will be posted up and oh, wish me luck for this urgent receptionist job I'm applying for! Hope everyone's Mondays are starting off on a good note!~
Edit: I think I was too hasty. I got a call from the company and it's all sorted. Maybe I should have replied back. Live and learn.
Like this one mystery shop that I did on the weekend in which the targeted salesperson I was supposed to complete my mystery shop on but she left the store a couple of minutes after I entered the store... I emailed the person in charge at 12.55 pm and got a reply then realized that I made a mistake in the email I sent her saying that I entered the store at 12.58pm... which would have been impossible unless I went into the store after sent the email... she didn't pick up on this. I did only after re-reading the email and realizing my mistake. But then, I was composing a reply but then realized, what would be the point? What would I get out of this? It's not like I would be paid anyway since she left the store... so I guess live and learn. Better preparation next time. Just wanted to get this out instead of leaving inside.
Hopefully later today April goals will be posted up and oh, wish me luck for this urgent receptionist job I'm applying for! Hope everyone's Mondays are starting off on a good note!~
Bumper Crop Post!
Kudos to the person who knows where part of the title comes from. =)
Haven't updated in ages cos just been so busy and haven't had time.... or been kind of been procrastinating... >_<
March goal check-in.
March Goals
March Financial Round-Up
Below the cut... (I also apologize in advance for how the table following the pie chart sticks out! Next time, I will definitely be sure to make sure it's as small as possible....)
Haven't updated in ages cos just been so busy and haven't had time.... or been kind of been procrastinating... >_<
March goal check-in.
March Goals
- Working 15 -25 hours a week: Only worked 30 hours all up and 20 of them was in one week =\
- $10 left in bank account: Nope.
- Read 2 - 4 books: Didn't happen...
- 30 for 30 challenge - no spending on clothes: Was good up until the last week, when I needed to buy a white singlet... I think that's poor preparation, could have asked around if anybody had a white singlet... so, that ruined it. Also, didn't start the 30 for 30..
- Routine - Cleaning + moisturizing: Yes. For most of the days except when I was at BF's.
- One craft: No :(
- 8 - 10 movies: Yup, 8 movies all done!
- 3 lessons of photograpy completed: Nope... I had yet to do this one part of this assignment. But I did it yesterday.
- At least $400 altogether saved in both savings accounts: Didn't work that much so didn't save... at all. >_<
March Financial Round-Up
Below the cut... (I also apologize in advance for how the table following the pie chart sticks out! Next time, I will definitely be sure to make sure it's as small as possible....)
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