Monday, April 11, 2011

There Are Just Some Things....

That probably isn't worth it.

Edit: I think I was too hasty. I got a call from the company and it's all sorted. Maybe I should have replied back. Live and learn.

Like this one mystery shop that I did on the weekend in which the targeted salesperson I was supposed to complete my mystery shop on but she left the store a couple of minutes after I entered the store... I emailed the person in charge at 12.55 pm and got a reply then realized that I made a mistake in the email I sent her saying that I entered the store at 12.58pm... which would have been impossible unless I went into the store after sent the email... she didn't pick up on this. I did only after re-reading the email and realizing my mistake. But then, I was composing a reply but then realized, what would be the point? What would I get out of this? It's not like I would be paid anyway since she left the store... so I guess live and learn. Better preparation next time. Just wanted to get this out instead of leaving inside.

Hopefully later today April goals will be posted up and oh, wish me luck for this urgent receptionist job I'm applying for! Hope everyone's Mondays are starting off on a good note!~


  1. I know what you mean, there are a lot of things that aren't worth it. its frustrating when this kind of thing happens, but its just a small blip and wont mean anything by next week. Good luck with the job application!

  2. That situation sounded really confusing for a second but i think i finally understand what you mean. And yeah, so many things just aren't worth the extra trouble and effort!

  3. @Alexandra: Yup, totally! Thanks for the luck... need all the luck I can get... job situation right is so awful!

  4. oh dear, that is totally how it goes sometimes, isn't it? <3

  5. Good luck on on getting that receptionist job!

    I had no idea what the sorbet flavours were - tried looking them up afterwards and the names were based on the colours not their flavours :p
