Monday, May 9, 2011

Exciting and Fun Week!

This has been a fun week full of social outings and fun things such as graduation pictures with friends, getting a new car and celebratory drinks :)

I didn't mention this but I was in an accident (that wasn't my fault) a couple of weeks ago and my car was written off. I can't believe it and miss my car so much,  lol. But it's cos I've had it for so long and it was just so nice... but anyways, there was only like 80-90% damage to it to the front of the car (damaged tyre, front bumper completely damaged and front left hand side pretty much smashed ><) while the remaining was absolutely fine! That's why I'm so semi-emotional over it. And, also because I had *just* bought two new tyres for the car! =(

On the bright side, went to the Ellerslie Car Fair today and found a car that was really nice and I suppose fuel efficient and kind of small.. It was also really easy and smooth to drive when I went for a test drive! And also when I drove to dinner in it. Awesome car ^^

Oh, and thanks for the congratulations but it wasn't me gradauting last week, it was just all my friends. I didn't actually know how many there were that was graduating!

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