Thursday, April 2, 2009

3x Thursday: Thursday's Meme

1. How are you doing today? Is it a Good Day, A Bad Day, or an Indifferent Day? Why?
Well.. atm it's 1.05 am and I am a little tired and should be sleeping within the next hour or so but am kind of awake coz of a afternoon nap that I took coz only had 3-4 hours sleep the previous night -.-

So yeah, I think that answers the question of it is a good, bad or indifferent day.. and why..

2. What are you up to/what have you done so far today?

Today, being Thursday early morning, I have done nothing other than spend the one hour that is Thursday just online and attempting work... =_=

But. My Wednesday wasn't too bad, spent some time with the bf and picked up an item that I won on Trademe (post-it notes dispenser! ^^) and then um, well not much actually.... attempted study/work on assignment but the most that I have done is um, the outline/template of it.. ~_~

3. What are your plans for the evening? Anything fun?

My plans for Thursday evening.... no. Nothing planned other than the usual of when I am at home.. which is pretty much nothing. I do, however have plans to have done a majority of my Event Planning assignment! Let's see what happens.....


And wow, this was quite fun lol. I haven't done memes in a long time and well, not like themed/editioned memes. Might do them more often~


  1. Heeey that was an interesting meme.
    BUT YOU SHOULD BE IN BED =P =P I DON'T CARE WHAT TIME IT IS RIIIIGHT NOW WHEN YOU SEE THIS MESSAGE, GO TO SLEEP. Even if you just woke up and am checking your comments in the morning - go sleep! Lolol.

    Templates are the best procrastination method... it makes you feel organised, when really you've done nothing x____x lol

  2. Memes are fun. I used to want to try to do one every Thursday or something haha. :P Where do you find yours? There used to be a good site that would post new ones all the time. :D

  3. Um. I think I googled it and just went from there.... and I can't find it again actually in my history! D:

    ... just googled and found it again - :)

    I know, I remember when they were all the craze, especially on Myspace! ^^

  4. LOL! I know, it was simple yet... informational!? Lol~ >.<

    Yes... also makes you feel like you've done work... and I guess it's quite good, coz you just need that little starting point..
