Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Grace In Small Things #2 And Short F&F4 Mention~

Soo start off with Grace in Small Things! :)

This week I am thankful for....
  1. Boyfriend (I am thinking he's going to be regular mention but....) - for being there when I am sick and in general. <3
  2. Finishing assignments in the nick of time
  3. (continue from above) catching up on sleep while I am sick so I was able to survive this day on next-to-no sleep! :o and with NO V-help too! (it was ready and waiting but not needed!! Amazing~~) amazing what a whole days or two sleep can do!
  4. Of course, that feeling you get when you complete work!
  5. Awesome and aww-worthy txt messages from boyfriend! ♥

Next thing.... Fast and Furious movie... whose seen it and is absoutely (or pretty much..) in love with it!? I am... so much in fact that I saw it twice! LOL. Dedication right here..... heh. XD


This is an entry I wrote last week and I realized that I had started (and finished!!) doing my weekly Grace In Small Things, so I will publish it anyways even though there wasn't much content other than the Grace In Small Things.


  1. I love these "I am grateful for' blogs. :D They give me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. I def agree with you on the boyfriend bit. Hee hee. ;)

    I haven't seen the new F&F yet, but I want to really bad! Paul Walker def turns my crank. :P

  2. Hehe. Boyfriends are great ^^ <3

    Oh, it is SO GOOD!!! I *LOVED* it and am waiting for the DVD to come out! 2x is not enough... third time?! XD

    I liked Jordana Brewster (dont swing that way)but thought that she was really pretty~ (specially in the 4th.. and after seeing her on Chuck...)
