Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Highlights of The Week

GiST #7
  1. Jelly bellies <3
  2. Movies with friends
  3. Time with boyfriend
  4. Feeling satisfied after doing work
  5. Sleep~<3

This week has been busy :( I don't like uni... and especially when you're doing a double major.... I just hate having to switch mindframes.... >_<''

I can't wait till the holidays. Sorry for lack of updates but it seems that these GiST updates actually make me update regularly.. :)

Hope everyone has been good~ :)


  1. Lol you've been posting heaps of GiST's lately =P well it's a good thing though, helps everyone else to appreciate those little things we don't think of much.

    Oh btw, this is Jess from gurlette. Long story short my domain expired, bah. But here I am now, woo! I'm at jforjibberish.wordpress.com now ;)

    Catch ya round, good luck with studies and all!

  2. Oh, hai! Haven't heard from you lately.. didn't even realize till now haha XD

    Haha, yeah, I know, well it keeps me updating! Tbh, without them, I don't really know what to update on and so guess it's kind of good. :D
