Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things.....

My first update after my overseas trip is a meme.... China&HK entries and photos coming really soon! =D


Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about YOU.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
  1. I only wear jeans (winter), skirts and dresses (summer). Never shorts (apart from maybe on the odd occasion where I have to wear shorts (i.e. PE in school and.... that's about it. So, now, pretty much zero chance of seeing me in shorts).
  2. I love all things cute (as you may or may not already know)....
  3. and so that is why I love China and HK (home of the cuteness!)
  4. I think I am finally embracing/recognizing my 'Asian' side.... (friends, photo-taking etc)
  5. I plan to travel back to China for CNY next year. (if my finances agree)
  6. I am online way too much.
  7. I love the colour pink..
  8. Seven is my favourite number.
  9. Music is the best thing invented. It makes me feel better and would not be able to live without it!
  10. No matter how much I tidy/clean... it always ends up messy and untidy again. But most of the time I know where to find stuff!
  11. I love jewellery in particular necklaces, bracelets and earrings. =)
  12. I am able to listen, on repeat, to a song for a very long time and not get sick of it.. until I do.... or find a new song to put on repeat.
  13. I suck with technology... -__- Owned 3 iPods in the past 4 years, 2 laptops and 4 mobile phones.
  14. I am beginning to like Chinese music.... even though I have no idea what they are singing.... even if it's in Cantonese =_=
  15. Careers that I have thought about (and some I am still considering) in the past 20 years of my life include; makeup artist, wedding planner, magazine editor and probably others that I have forgotten.
  16. I think I still have the first stuffed animal that I got around the time when I was born.. (it's a rabbit...)
  17. Which is my favourite animal (rabbits)
  18. I owned a pet rabbit for a grand total of 1-2 months.. (it ran away... cough cough >.<)
  19. The first concert I went to was YellowCard and Steriogram back in 2004.
  20. I have a million accounts online. You name it, I will probably have one~
  21. I am very lazy and procrastinate like there's no tomorrow (thanks Chloe, I stole it off you :P)
  22. I may, at the moment be obsessed with the Twilight movie....... >_>
  23. I love quotes. Some quotes just sum up my life and/or current life situation I am in.
  24. Purchased in China and Hong Kong a Bugs Bunny bolster and Ladybug Neck Pillow (random.......)
  25. And, finally, my friends mean the world to me.. I would do almost anything for them... (5 am pickups!? ^^) <3333

Tagged on FB: Matisse, Elaine, Chloe, Inky, Sabrina, Wan Tang, Nikki, Dawn, Guan, Beth, Chris, June, Jen, Emma, Angela, Lesley, Alex, Nancy, Clint, Baucis, Naomi, Yeeping, Grace, Ashley.

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