Sunday, February 15, 2009

Maybe Next Year

"When the soul wants… the soul waits …
No I could never take a chance
On losing love to find romance"
- U2 lyrics

Yeah, I actually had the idea of posting a love/Valentine's Day related entry coinciding with Valentine's Day and.... well, I never quite got round to planning that out.

Actually, I forgot what I wanted to write about. I make it a point not to post anything related to that part of my life or possibly anything related to that.. for some reason.

But, anyways, H A P P Y V A L E N T I N E ' S D A Y ! Hope you all had/have a great Valentine's Day :)

My February 14th has gone and passed. Nearly 'officially' over, really with three minutes on the clock but yeah.... it was a good day and just another day really. Nothing out of the ordinary or special~

Was going to be spent with some old friends but it didn't happen coz people were busy. Oh well.

I had a great night last night and part of this day was spent getting my 8 hours of 'zzzz's' :P And then better half was spent furniture shopping with sister and mum. :)
Hmm, I have still yet to post entries relating to my China&HK trip...... ┐_┐


  1. That's usually what happens to me for Valentine's Day, and most other holidays. I think of plans, but they never follow through, and I sort of spend the holiday by myself or one other friend. So for Singles Awareness Day, I watched a movie with fellow single friends and baked a halfburnt cake. Lovely.

  2. Happy belated V-day sweetie!
    My V-day wasn't too eventful either, just a movie with a friend. I'm not worried! Mr Love will come along one day and sweep me off my feet, and so will yours! :)

    Take care

  3. i love furniture shopping, so fun!! haha..does that sound weird >_> ?
