Saturday, November 8, 2008

This Past 24 Hours.....

A friend is someone who will help you move. A real friend is someone who will help you move a body.
- Unknown

....have been spent sleeping, procrastinating and doing a very after midnight yesterday overdue icomm assingment!

Didn't do much other than venture out when I was hungry.... it was..... omg... I have a headache now and should actually sleep now since only had abour four hours..... D: have been up since like Thursday 11am ish.... and haven't slept... =\

Second all-nighter... but the first I had 10 minute naps!~ this time, nothing other than finally succumbing to sleep at 8am ish.... and then sleeping for abour 2-3 hours! Which didn't even feel like that much hours sleep.. just woke up and it was 5 minutes to 12!

Heh and got a call from my mum at 8am and was somewhat not really disorientated!

But yes, now I shall rest and sleep and then cram this weekend for, I think, the hardest exam of them all... -___-

Oooh and then at 12 pm Monday, I will be freeeeeee! ^_^ I can't wait. Good luck to people who still got exams. You can do it! :D


  1. good luck
    im not a crammer
    and i procrastinate
    so it becomes that i dont study at all lol

  2. Haha.. aw no. I.... am a last-minute type of person who worries and stresses~! XD

  3. Good luck Maggie!!!

    I know too well about late nights and headaches from cramming. I had my last exam yesterday and had this huge headache in the middle of it =_="

  4. everyone is finishing before me ;__;
